The Book

This book shares my journey with others who are struggling to find and embrace their true authentic self. To find our purpose, we must also find that part of us that is divinely inspired. Finding that spark will allow the soul to live a purposeful and meaningful life. Living from the soul’s divine spark will offer plenty of opportunities to grow and evolve into that person you were ordained to become. Living from any other perspective will not fulfill and expand the soul who has come here seeking enlightenment and to live a purposeful experience.

It has taken me nearly sixty years to wake up to my true authentic self as a lesbian. In my younger days, I had no idea that there was a deeper and higher self waiting to be discovered. For many years, I lived from my lower aspect while trying to fit into society’s social rules and norms. I ignored my inner compass and became frustrated because I did not fit into the labels, dogma, and the traditional path. Falling in love with a woman would force me to examine family and religious teachings. At the time, I didn’t realize that it would be this path that would lead me to a spiritual awakening. Once I realized that there was a spiritual path, I immersed myself in the higher teachings, and it would be this spiritual path that led my soul to freedom.